As we bring you the November issue of Trenchless Works, and head toward the end of the year, I think, as an industry, we can all reflect on the past 12 months and give ourselves a collective pat on the back. At the beginning of 2021, even an eternal optimist like me was slightly doubtful as to whether circumstances would allow our international trenchless community to meet in person. And yet, here we are, with a hugely successful No-Dig Live under our belt and the opening of Trenchless Middle East in Dubai just a few weeks away – I just can’t wait.
As ever, there’s a huge amount of top-quality editorial for you to enjoy in this month’s magazine and I’d particularly like to draw your attention to the article written by our very own Editorin-Chief, entitled ‘Political Will Must Refocus on Sewers’. It’s a fascinating read in which Ian ‘dives’ into the furore over raw sewage dumping into rivers and coastal areas, a topic which has really grabbed the headlines recently – and not just in the trenchless world. We’d love to hear your views on the subject as well so do join in the debate on our social media channels.
Talking of reaching out, the ISTT International No-Dig Helsinki is gathering pace. We also have much to look forward to in the new year: you won’t need to wait the usual 24 months for No-Dig Live as it’s back again in September 2022 in its spiritual home of the East of England Showground. Both exhibitors and visitors seemed
keen to make up for missing the 2020 event and who are we to deprive them of such an opportunity?
With my very best wishes,